Past Projects
Written for my 1L Legal Practice and Studies course, this sample memo explores whether a social host is liable for the civil damages of one of their intoxicated guests.
This pursuasive memo argues that my hypothetical client was discriminated against by a former employer on the basis of his physical disability.
Written as my legal thesis, this research paper explores the antagonistic role United States policies have had with international governing bodies attempts at preventing and prosecuting money laundering schemes.
This academic research paper evaluates the rhetoric surrounding the Vietnam War and analyzes the relationship that Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon each had with both the media and the American public.
Written for a Philosophy of Science undergraduate course, this paper details the historically unethical psychological research practices of the 20th century.
A literary anaylsis of the ways in which the Civil War was reflected in American literature at the time. Using the works of Edgar Allan Poe, Nathanial Hawthorn, and Walt Whitman, this essay examines the binding nature of 19th century literaure.
Recipient of the 2019 Dean's Prize in Creative Writing, this short story illustrates that quiet does not always mean peaecful in the fictional smalltown of Emerson.
This video essay explores the history of Rock and Roll in the United States, detailing both the influences and the exploitation of black musicians in the mid-20th century.